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Oncor Kid’s Race

A BMW Dallas Marathon Festival Weekend Event

The Oncor Kid’s Race is one of the nation’s largest kid’s running and walking events offered free of charge. What started out as a Dallas Independent School District (DISD) initiative to get more kids engaged in a health and fitness activity, the race has now grown to include over 6,000 youth participants across the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The Oncor Kid’s Race is in its 22nd year and will include a fun-filled morning consisting of a 2-mile run/walk course option, pre-race entertainment and a post-event celebration for all participants.

Saturday, December 13, 2025

11:00 AM

Participant Benefits

Participant Benefits

  • Short-sleeve participant shirt
  • Race bib
  • High-energy start and finish line experience
  • Run through the streets of Downtown Dallas!
  • Finisher medallion for all finishers
  • Post-event food & beverage featuring pancakes from Snooze!
Oncor Kids raceOncor Kids raceOncor Kids race

Proudly Supported By:


Hillwood | A Perot Company
GoGo Squeez
Tetra Pak
Southwest Dairy Farmers

For more information on how your company can get involved, please contact Jason Schuchard at