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Frequently Asked Questions
Shell Energy Relays
Packet Pick-up & Expo
Start Line & Corral
When is the 2025 BMW Dallas Marathon Festival?
What time does the race start?
What if there is bad weather on race day?
Is there a Marathon and Half Marathon time limit?
Is it possible to run on a relay team and also continue to run the Marathon or Half Marathon?
Are there any specific rules that apply to athletes with disabilities wishing to participate?
How can I confirm my registration for 2025?
Can I transfer my BMW Dallas Marathon Festival registration to a friend or family member?
Is it possible to switch races?
Is it possible to get a deferral or refund of my registration fees if I am unable to participate due to injury or an unforeseen circumstance?
Will the Marathon, Half Marathon, 50K Ultra and/or Shell Energy Relay event sell out?
Will the new walking events start separately from the running events?
Shell Energy Relays
Can walkers participate in the Relay?
Do Relay team members receive t-shirts and medals?
Do all Relay team members need to be at the start line?
Packet Pick-up & Expo
Where is the Health & Fitness Expo located?
Is the Health & Fitness Expo free to attend?
When and where is packet pick-up?
How does packet pick-up work for Relay Teams?
Can someone else pick up my packet for me?
Start Line & Corral
When will I know what corral I am in?
What time do I need to be in my corral?
Can I change which corral I start in?